Below you’ll find links to articles, podcasts, and other collaborations where you can learn more about my life as a teacher, blogger, and home renovation enthusiast!
‘Life 101’ Portland Press Herald Interview
-Because I found so much joy and relevancy teaching person finance to high school seniors, I decided to create an elective course called “Life 101” which would focus on teaching many other practical “adulting” skills that traditional courses just didn’t teach, particularly because Family & Consumer courses, better known as “Home Ec”, seem to have been dropped from many district curriculum offerings. In this Portland Press Herald article I discuss this fun new course I had the pleasure of teaching.

NextGen Personal Finance Podcast Interview & Fellowship Award
-After attending the annual Maine Jumpstart Educators Conference on Financial Literacy, I was introduced to the fantastic (and FREE) resources available through NextGen Personal Finance. After connecting with their founder, Tim, he asked if I’d be on his podcast to discuss my experiences teaching financial literacy. The podcast interview can be found here. Because of my work teaching personal finance, I was also the recipient of the NextGen Personal Finance Fellowship award in 2018. This article discussing more about the fellowship.
Community Engagement Newspaper Articles
My goal as an educator has always been to create meaningful experiences for my students as well as connections with the community. This Windham Eagle article highlights an engaging event when I invited our local state legislators in to my classes of seniors to discuss current civic issues of the day as well as providing them a chance to ask questions of their local leaders.
When I learned that the governor would be holding a town meeting forum in our town, I invited my students to join me at the event to demonstrate the importance of being civically engaged. This article discusses more about the event.

Aspiring Educators Mentorship
-This article from the University of Maine at Farmington newspaper covers my time speaking to the Aspiring Educators group. I was flattered to be invited back a few times to speak to a group of future teachers and to give them a realistic look at the teaching profession. These speaking engagements, along with my experience mentoring new teachers and student teachers, really allowed me the opportunity to grow as a teacher through self-reflection. Fun fact, the newspaper article linked above was written by one of my former students who was studying to be a teacher!
DIY and Home Renovation Enthusiast
In addition to being an educator, my passion for renovating, decorating, and all things “crafty and creative” lead to an article feature in Downeast Magazine and Maine Women Magazine. Being creative in all areas of my life, whether it’s renovating a house or designing an engaging lesson, is something that gives me a tremendous sense of pride and satisfaction!