The last two weeks have been absolutely CRAZY, thus leaving my little blog a bit neglected. First, I’ve had 60 essays to grade, each of which take about 20-30 minutes to read and write extensive comments (you do the math) which means I’ve spent every moment of the past two weekends grading and am STILL not finished! The trimester is ending and grades are due at the end of this week so I’ve been working like a madwoman! Last week I helped proctor the Math Meet at school, supervised Winter Carnival events, chaperoned the dance, and planned for a field trip to Boston, which I just got back from about 30 minutes ago.
We (two French teachers, two Spanish teachers, one history teacher (me!) and one theater guru) took 50 students to see the opening of Les Miserables at the Boston Opera House.
I got to don a cute little dress from H&M (which was only $18) for our night out at the theater! The show was great, although it was operetta style which made it a bit difficult to understand at times. The day before we had shown the students the film so they would better understand the storyline. As a bonus, a ton of the actors from the play were staying at our hotel so the students got to meet them and have their programs autographed! Needless to say, I didn’t get very much sleep last night after trying to corral and keep tabs on 50 teenagers, so now I’m off for a quick nap, then grading more essays!!
DO u have any ideas on how to decorate an eggcarton for easter?? In my son class they are bringing an egg carton filled with easter eggs for their easter party and I am clueless on some ideas to decorate…was wondering if u have any suggestions